Who we are
Esmediterráneo is the website where you can find current information about tourist destinations in the Region of Murcia and the Valencian Community. Reports, tourism news, and general information about destinations, as well as the option to book accommodations, activities, and unique experiences, are part of the content that our experts prepare and keep updated for you
Esmediterráneo Comunitat Valencianaand Esmediterráneo Región de Murcia are two semi-annual magazines, distributed for free in tourist offices and accommodations across both regions Our writers explore every corner to present to you, from a unique perspective and always accompanied by high-quality images, what the different municipalities offer: festivals, events, information about tourist resources in towns, and natural spaces, among other aspects Likewise, you’ll have access, via QR codes, to the place where you can make your reservations
Esmediterráneo is a travel agency that aims to promote the tourist destinations and products of the Region of Murcia and the Valencian Community, providing offers and information to the general public.