A different kind of tourismBUÑOL
Buñol lives in a privileged natural environment and, as a borderland that it was, it treasures a rich history. That’s why it offers its visitors the possibility to live cultural experiences, outdoors, sports or leisure activities.
A series of museums gather testimony of the long journey of the city throughout the centuries, including the Tomatina Festival, one of the most important events that are celebrated in the town throughout the year.
The city is located on lands crossed by ravines, rivers, springs and springs, which support lush vegetation and encourage the existence of beautiful landscapes. Historically, the population was on the border between the kingdoms of Castile and Valencia. Although it was founded in times of Islamic domination (which is noticeable in the layout of the old town) the territory has been inhabited for more than 50,000 years, judging by the vestiges found.
The city is the head of the region of La Hoya, where you will find countless options to enjoy your stay. A different kind of tourism.
Buñol vive en un entorno natural privilegiado